
Hacker(News)-Push 2.0

After a hack-event that crashed the backend, I decided to remake the application from backend-level to front-end(Actually I really have a plan to remake the app).

Download: Remake version of Hacker-Push App with enhance of material-design and new backend.

What new supported are:

1. Topic-messages of GCM.
2. Float-Action-Button new design(Coordinate-Layout, AppBarLayout etc).
3. Add Android's design-library for material-design(excl. FAB).
4. New crashlytics(fabric).


程序师 joined --IT Daily News 1.2--

IT Daily News released 1.2.
New version including now RSS via 

IT Daily News downloads

Also aApp-backend, SDK of TopFeeds4J have been updated for new data-source.

Source of IT Daily News: https://github.com/XinyueZ/top-feeds
SDK: https://github.com/XinyueZ/top-feeds-client/tree/master/TopFeeds4J