
IT Books 3.0 released

New version includes Google Login, Google Drive to save books,  Material Design on detail-view.

The new Google Login by new Google SigIn API  which provides easy way to connect on Google. A lot confused codes are removed when login and new thinking of App-Flow is created:

1. App start without account.
2. Some features depending on account will be first hidden or unavailable.
3. App connects to account.
4. Features will be opened.

Google Drive is a very nice place to save data background permanently.  With integration of Drive SDK Android  we can implement  backup very easily.  The SDK controls whole upload and download process as user doesn't take any care on network transactions. The only ones to do is success-handling and error-handling to info UI.

To the detail-view the CoordinatorLayout is used to replace my own implement. The standard behavior with FAB and progress-toast cooperate downloading process dynamically.  Checkout a simple sample of  CoordinatorLayout here https://github.com/chrisbanes/cheesesquare

IT Books 3.0

P.S App has a new icon now :)

